
About the author

Wenjia Wang is a consultant at Quartier Libre, researching topics in retail and consumer goods.

Wenjia had been trained as an engineer, with her educational experiences spanning across multiple sustainability-focused disciplines and three top schools in three different countries (China, Australia and the United States). During the last year of her graduate studies, she found herself frequently pondering about consumerism and its implications on sustainability. Since then, she has taken a great interest in envisioning a new retail model that does not compromise environmental and social integrity with her entrepreneurial spirits.

Wenjia is an art aficiendo and practices painting and photography in her free time. Her artwork was once featured at the Aviary Gallery in Boston, United States.

About Quartier Libre

At Quartier Libre, we advise our clients, who are front-runners and trail-blazers from various industries, on business strategies, organizational design, innovation strategies, and products and services development. Our works are featured in multiple prestigious media outlets including Le Monde, Fast Company and INfluencia. To learn more about Quartier Libre, please visit: www.choisirquartierlibre.com.